God has released a powerful anointing upon the pen. As Kingdom Writers, our desire is for the Holy Spirit to take the words that we write and convert them into a personal Rhema message for each person in our audience. Just as He does when we read the Bible, the Holy Spirit can take a phrase that we have written and use it as a word of knowledge, wisdom, or prophecy to our readers. I believe that when He endows us with words to put to paper He has certain people in mind that He wants to transform with the message. Transformation, changing lives, helping people grow in Christ, this is my goal as a Kingdom Writers, this is my goal as the owner of Williams DocuPrep, and this is my prayer for each author I work with. This week as I was spending time with the Lord it was impressed upon me to pray for our writers and authors. Well, I do this anyway, but this time I was led to take it a bit further. This time it was impressed upon me to have others join in as well. Those who accept the task of writing for the Kingdom of God will impact people’s lives for eternity. We know that there is a very real spiritual battle going on. In addition to the struggle of writing, because Christian authors have been tasked to share the gospel of Christ and the love of God with the pen, oftentimes we experience great spiritual attacks from the enemy before, during, and after the writing process. For instance, my book "Put The Word In Your Mouth" went on sale January 4, 2018. In February 2018 my laptop fell and stopped working. The first time I wrote the book "Put The Word In Your Mouth" and was just about to publish it my ex-husband walked out of our marriage and I moved from Florida back to Atlanta. I was having my cable and internet installed in my new place and the technician wiped out my computer's hard drive and I lost the first version of the book just as I was about to publish it. This is my experience, and an example of the great warfare we endure because our message has an eternal impact. I'm sure you as an author have warfare scars too. Along with the powerful anointing that is on Kingdom Writers we have the assurance of our Savior that whenever at least two of us agree about anything we pray for, it will be done for us by our Father in heaven (Matthew 18:19-20). So, beginning this month – March 2018, and every month following, on the 4th Sunday we will fervently pray for our authors who are releasing books in that month and their families. I invite you to join us! |