You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8 (NKJV)
I completed my first book Put The Word In Your Mouth in 2004, then life began to happen, I became distracted and I procrastinated on launching the very book that God had told me to write. Then in 2008 my computer was wiped out and I lost the book. After I got over the devastation of the loss the desire to publish the book burned even more.
Not long after that Beth Moore published her book Praying God’s Word and I told God that it was no use in publishing the book now because Beth Moore’s book is so popular, and people will think that I’ve just copied her book. Although I’ve never read her book, I believed she had said all God had to say on the matter and there was nothing I could add to the subject. I gave God many other excuses for why I couldn’t be obedient to His will. Many say as I’ve often said, “I’m waiting for God’s timing.” Have you said that before? But are you waiting or procrastinating?
One day, as I was sharing with a potential client about Jonah and Moses on why they should be obedient and publish their book, the words I was speaking to them started slapping me right in the face. I realized that I was doing what I was telling them not to do. I was giving God an excuse after excuse and running away from what He had called me to do. I had a message to share with people who needed breakthroughs that could encourage and help them walk in the blessings God has for them, and I was keeping it to myself. Like the servant in the parable of the talents, I was burying my talent and the message God gave me, and honestly, things were not going right in my life (Matthew 25:14-30). Once I did what God told me to do, things turned around almost immediately. As a writer, I know many times, we are waiting on God to prepare us for the assignment, to make things clear, to give us the words, and to unlock a door. However, sometimes, we convince ourselves that we are not worthy, that we don’t have the skills or the time to do what God has asked of us, and we use “waiting” as an excuse to cover up our fear and procrastination. Scripture says in Psalm 27:14, “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.” Truly, there are times when God calls us to a season of waiting, but it is not a time of doing nothing. When you know there is something you should do, doing nothing is more draining than stepping out on faith. If God has ordained you to wait, there will be expectation and excitement in your spirit that God is in it and something spectacular is about to happen, things are about to change. Fear and procrastination bring dread. Why am I telling you this story this morning? I don’t know who I am talking to, but I know this word is for someone. Every Believer is called to share the Good News. God is releasing so much revelation from Heaven right now. Christian writers with the help of the Holy Spirit can write and publish books that genuinely bring change in the lives of readers. This must be our goal. If God is calling you to be His witness through writing, He will equip you with the power and anointing to fulfill that task. Obedience is the key. Obedience is better than sacrifice. The key lies in getting out of God’s way and allowing Him to use you. There is power in the words of your story and testimony—Revelation 12:11. The calling to write is every bit as important as the calling to the pulpit or the mission field. God’s plan for you is always bigger than what you can see. There is a lot of turmoil in the world today, but God’s word declares where sin increased, grace abounded all the more. Jesus will help and enable you every time you ask. There will be a lot of new books being written and published over the next couple of years and yours should be one, two, three, or four of them. Now is the time to publish your story; to position yourself for the future. I would love to help you publish and change your life and the life of others. I’ve helped people from 15 to 75 write and publish books, and I would love to help you too. So, tell me, are you waiting on God, or are you afraid and procrastinating? |